Specialty Gases and Gas Mixtures
Highest Standards in the World for Gas Purity and Accuracy

Precision Matters in Everything We Do
Our HiQ® program embodies the highest standards in the world of specialty gases. It combines high-purity gases, accurate gas mixtures, precision-engineered gas supply systems and the high-quality services needed for optimum results.
We supply these gases in pure form or as mixtures containing components at concentrations extending from the percent range down to part per billion and sometimes even part per trillion. Our complementary regulators and installation equipment is suitable for specialty gas purity levels up to 5.0 (99.999%) or even 7.0 (99.99999%).

For decades, we have been putting the ‘special’ into specialty gases with dedicated production facilities, accredited analytical laboratories, mobile analytical services, state-of-the-art logistics and selection procedures as well as traceability certification.
Contact us to see what products and services are available in your region.