Our high-purity oxygen systems enable wastewater facilities to treat double (or more) the organic load possible with a conventional air-based system at the same power input. With our efficient and proven oxygenation systems, mixing and oxygen transfer is decoupled. Providing enough oxygen to meet an increased organic load is as simple as turning up an oxygen supply valve to feed more oxygen to the wastewater process.
Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Chemical Production
Conserving Water through Advanced Recycling & Re-use Technologies

Raising Treatment Capacity while Lowering VOCs and Costs
Whether your wastewater treatment system is an extensive aerated lagoon or a compact wastewater treatment process, our technology offerings can provide you with effective and reliable treatment with the added bonus of environmental gains in many instances.
We develop and deliver customized systems to help chemical production plants meet their wastewater management goals. We work directly with our customers to provide beginning-to-end treatment methods, from needs assessment and treatment strategy to equipment design, installation and industrial gas supply. And we offer a wide range of applications that treat and re-use process water, all while maximizing treatment capacity, reducing volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, improving safety and reducing costs.
Wastewater Challenges in Chemical Production
High-Strength Organic Loads
Odors and VOC Emissions
The best way to fight odors in the wastewater industry is simply by adding a little oxygen. Adding pure oxygen to your existing process can raise the level of dissolved oxygen enough to reduce or eliminate odors without further action. Even better, our systems help you manage peak demand and increase capacity while reducing VOC emissions.
Our SOLVOX® mobile oxygen system is a flexible way to aerate wastewater. It can be used to bridge seasonal and production peaks or as a backup solution during maintenance. Its modular concept allows for flexible capacity management and it can be easily stored and installed again when needed. A single unit can oxygenate and mix approximately 200 -400 m3 of wastewater aeration basin volume.
Spent Caustic Treatment
Our high-purity oxygen aeration systems can enable chemical plant wastewater treatment facilities to dispose of spent caustic in the biological process. This eliminates or significantly reduces the need for complex high-temperature and pressure oxidation alternatives that are currently used today.
Space Constraints
While most conventional aeration systems can handle organic loads that are equivalent to about 50-100 grams O2 per m3/hr, our oxygenation systems will allow facilities to effectively treat up to 400 grams O2 per m3/hr - on the same footprint.
pH Reduction with CO2
As one of the world’s largest suppliers of carbon dioxide (CO2), we have extensive experience in the benefits of CO2 as a tool to effectively neutralize alkali wastewaters from refining operations. Replacing mineral acids with our SOLVOCARB® CO2 solution for pH control is a smart choice. By no longer buying or storing potentially hazardous chemicals or mineral acids, you are making your site safer while also reducing costs. CO2 does not require spill protection or corrosion-resistant piping, for instance. pH control with CO2 can also help you manage peak demand and capacity increases, increase plant flexibility, and lessen your impact on the environment. In addition, CO2 eliminates the possibility of over-treatment because the self-buffering properties of CO2 virtually exclude over-acidification of the wastewater. This reduces or eliminates the need for treatment of the off-gases.
Ozone is a strong, reliable disinfectant ideally suited to the treatment of industrial wastewater. The high oxidizing potential of ozone makes it perfect when chemical residue is unacceptable. Together with technology providers, Linde can design suitable ozone-based treatment schemes and systems.
Undesirable microbial growth in parts of your wastewater treatment plant can be controlled using ozone. A Linde representative would be glad to recommend the best disinfection option for your operations.